Hubley 495 Airplane Propeller. Cast.
DC-7 Propeller 2.5" Yonezawa Cragstan also DC-7C White
Marx DC-7 Prop. 1" Blade or (2-1/8" Blades end to end). Sets and Singles your choice.
Marx Propeller : 2.6" Four Blade.
P-51 Ashtray Plane Prop : 4 blade Propeller
Bronzart model P-47 Model Thunderbolt. Propeller
DC-7 Vintage toy propeller 4 blade nylon 2.5"
DC-7 Propeller 2-1/2" Original props.
4 Blade cast Hubley P-40 and 467 HU-9 3" Prop
7/8" four blade propeller : Tootsietoy. Single of set of two your choice.
Airplane Propeller : Set of two : 1.5" Across
Linemar propeller for Yogi Bear, Quick Draw McGraw and Huckleberry Hound airplane.
DC-7 Propeller 2.5" Yonezawa Cragstan also DC-7C silver or gray
DC-7 Toy Vintage Airplane 1" prop. length Propeller Gray or White
4 blade Aurora Scout SE-5 Airplane Prop. 5"
Schuco Propeller : Radiant 5600